Allow yourself the opportunity to unlearn everything you thought you knew...


Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Awakeing by Divine Soul Journey

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In numerology, 2021 = 5. 5 represents destined life changes and if you have been seeing a lot of 5’s lately (5,55,555,5555) you are being asked to trust your path. 2021 will be asking us to level up and allow the natural flow of change to occur. So with that being said, having a heads […]


2020 retrograde schedule & meanings

What a powerful and transformation year 2019 has been!!! Pushing us to grow and level up in ways that many of us may not have been able to imagine at some point. With 2020 just around the corner, it’s good to know what type of energy shifts will be headed our way!! 2020 is a […]


2019 upcoming retrograde schedule & meanings

  The last few years have been a time for some serious growth, awakening and ascension. 2018 was no different. However, the beginning of 2019 is looking up!!! It has been a very long time since all of the planets have been aligned and moving forward. The first few months of 2019 are going to […]

are you feeling called?


Spirit has your back. Trust in the signs and synchronicity happening all around you. Let go of any doubt or worry and trust that you have a spiritual team encouraging you to choose you and EVOLVE, always…