We are preparing for the 8:8 lionsgate portal which will be occurring on 8/8/22 as well as another super full moon happening in the sign of Aquarius on 8/11/22.
I know many of you are already feeling these two energy shifts and it's causing a massive stir within as more heart healing is taking place, third eye activations occur and opportunities for a total rebirth are being presented.
Over this next week you want to be feeling, thinking, speaking and simply embodying the type of energy you want to attract. The 8:8 portal supports our deepest desires and wishes to be fulfilled if we are willing to trust, release and co - create. Let go of the how, focus on the end feeling.. then leave the details up to the universe.

What is Lionsgate portal energy?
The Lionsgate portal occurs every year on August 8th when the sun is in the sign of Leo. The star Sirius, the Earth and Orion's belt align. When this happens, the opportunity for manifesting something all new is very potent.
Lionsgate 8:8 portal energy sends higher frequency energy our way. This high frequency energy hits each and every one of us and encourages us to align with the wisdom within our hearts. Lionsgate will be activating our light bodies and clearing the way so new beginnings can unfold.
Expect heightened intuition, divinely inspired ideas, consciousness expansion, epiphanies and clarity. This energy is so high frequency that it will be opening up doors that may never been opened before. Walk through and trust that your team is supporting you every step of the way.
When Lionsgate energy comes through, we are asked to let go of control even more as our true beliefs become clearer to us and necessary life changes are made. Sometimes, we have to let go of how we think things should be in order to get exactly what we are desiring. Lionsgate will be activating this wisdom and asking us to align with love.
This portal will be activating our DNA and we will be asked to remember who we truly are at the core of our being. We will be reminded that we came here for a reason, so daydream away and remind yourself that you would never long for something that wasn't meant for you to experience.
Directly after the 8:8 portal we have the super full moon in Aquarius happening on 8/11/22
This is the last super full moon of 2022. You will want to be looking back a few months ago when our last super full moon occurred in June and take note of anything that seems to be wrapping up or asking for an ending to occur. This super full moon will be asking us to take responsibility for ourselves and help us strip away anything that is not allowing us to evolve.
Aquarius brings healing and transmutation energy along with it. As with all full moons, emotions and feels may be felt. Self care, grace and compassion for all will be a theme.
During these shifts, focus your energy towards the things that fill you up, trust that you are on the right path and that you are never alone. Your guides, angels and loved ones are supporting you very step of the way.
If you need a reset - here are a few moon rituals you can try as you align.
Looking for more information or support on your path to healing?
The Awakening Woman Empowerment Course is available for women who are ready to transcend feminine wounds, own their power, and awaken their intuitive gifts in an embodied way.
Over 37 lessons, I uncover everything you need to know about becoming the woman you were designed to be.
If you’re feeling called for a more personal 1:1 approach, I encourage you to check out 1:1 total transformation coaching.
Keep going.
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