So you're ready to start manifestation journaling? Maybe you want to learn about manifestation for money?
Raise your hand if you have stacks and stacks and stacks of journals piling up…
I don’t know about you, but I have a slight obsession with buying new journals. Even when my old ones are 100 pages away from being filled — I can’t help myself. There’s just something so exciting about opening up a fresh journal with limitless possibilities.
I can’t be the only one who feels this, right!?
But, let’s be real, how often do those new journals actually get used?
How many of them end up scribbled with random notes, grocery lists, & midnight thoughts that you’ll never look at again?
How many are collecting dust on the shelves, waiting for the day you decide to put them to good use?
It’s okay if you’re feeling called out right now, I am too!
I love my journals but, for the longest time, I wasn’t actually sure how to use them.
So, I did what every confused person does…
I Googled. 😉
“What to do with extra journals?” “Journal prompts for inner-healing.” “How to journal consistently.”
I scrolled through blog post after blog post, all of them offering the same generic advice.
Write a reflection on your day. List 10 things you’re grateful for. Journal through your emotions.
It wasn’t bad advice but it wasn’t the advice I was looking for.
I didn’t want to fill up my blank pages with surface-level reflections — I wanted to create a journaling practice that helped me navigate my awakening, discover myself, & manifest my dream life.
I wanted my journal to be a vortex for my deepest manifestations, not just a fun diary that I pick up every once in a while.
Gratitude lists weren’t going to cut it for me.
I wanted something deeper.
So, I closed out my browser, tapped into my intuition, picked up my pen, & started writing.
Five ink-stained pages later, my manifestation journaling practice was born!
This intuitive journaling method has helped me manifest nearly everything I’ve set the intention for in the past few years.
- A spiritual business that continues to thrive beyond my wildest imagination
- A stronger connection to my intuition & spiritual gifts
- A community of women who are walking with me through the path of ascension
- & so much more that I can’t remember but are ALL written in the lines of my journal.
Keep reading to learn...
3 ways you can use your journal for manifestation journaling!
Act as if it’s already happening.
Imagine this:
5 years have past & you’re settling into bed after the best day of your life.
The memory foam sucks you in and your heart is swelling with pure joy as you rewind the last 24 hours. Before you flutter off to sleep, you reach towards your nightstand and pick up your journal. Then you settle back into the pillows and write about the day you’ve just had.
What do you write?
Picture your dream day in as much detail & then write it today as if it’s already happened.
The more detail you infuse into this, the easier it is to “trick” your subconscious mind into thinking this is a real experience.
Then, when your subconscious mind is on board, your frequency shifts & you become an energetic match to that which you want to attract.
It’s magic! Give this a try next time you’re feeling disconnected from the future you want to create.
Gratitude rampage for manifesting journaling
We all know the benefit of expressing gratitude. It raises our vibration, soothes our nervous system, & instantly boosts our mood. Plus, it’s great to slow down and appreciate what we already have.
But the numbered gratitude list game can get really boring over time.
So, if you want to switch things up, try a gratitude rampage.
I promise it’s a lot less aggressive than it sounds 😉
Start by expressing one thing you’re grateful for and then allow that one point to spiral into a string of other points. It’s allowed to be messy & intuitive & crazy! This should feel like a stream of consciousness that just pours out of your fingertips.
Here’s an example:
I’m grateful for the women that I get to serve in my business and the gifts that I’m able to serve them with and the way that I’ve been able to cultivate my gifts and the space to do this work and the spiritual guidance that has shown me that this work is my purpose and….
The idea is to just keep adding AND until you feel like you’ve reached a point of completion.
By the end, you’ll have an entire page (or 10) of things you’re grateful for!
Another way to do this is to set a timer for 5-10 minutes and try to keep writing for the entirety of those 5 minutes. This forces you to get out of your ego & into your intuition so you can access higher states of gratitude.
Write & reframe limiting beliefs in your manifesting journaling
Great way to use manifestation for money and manifesting journaling
It wouldn’t be a Divine Soul Journey blog if I didn’t dive into the inner work!
We can set intentions & shift our frequency all day but if we aren’t getting anywhere unless we address our limiting beliefs.
AKA the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in old patterns, paralyzed from taking action, & blocked from receiving more.
To shift these beliefs, start by writing them down in your journal.
Ex. “I have to hustle in order to make money in my business” OR “ I don’t trust in my intuitive knowing.”
Then, in different colored ink, write down the reprogrammed belief.
Ex. “Making money in my business feels easy & effortless” OR “ As I follow my intuition, the universe provides limitless opportunities for me.”
Next, turn these reprogrammed beliefs into affirmations that you repeat to yourself daily, either in your journal or out loud as a part of your morning/evening routine.
Short, sweet, simple, and highly effective!
All three of these tools have aligned to help me create the life that I’m living now — one where my journals are full, my heart is happy, my spirit is alive.
Needless to say, I’ve totally overcome my scattered journal syndrome over the years.
Now I just have to solve the hand-cramping-from-30-minutes-of-writing syndrome.
I’ll keep you updated on that one. 😉
In the meantime, comment down below which of these methods you’re excited to implement into your practice! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
P.S If you want to take your journaling practice to the next level, check out my Spiritual Badass 30 Day Journal — an interactive digital journal to empower you in your self-discovery so you can become the badass woman that you are.
This journal eliminates all of the “what to write next” confusion by providing you with clear prompts for each day of the journey.
It’s everything that I wish I had at the start of my initial awakening!
Click HERE to grab yours!
Love, stephanie x

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