If you’re like 99.9% of the empaths and healers that I've talked to, at some point you’ve experienced a season of burnout.
You may feel disconnected from your mission.
Your intuition may feel distant and unreachable.
Your desires aren’t manifesting as quickly as they used to,
& You’re not feeling as inspired as you used to.

At some point, we all experience this and it can feel like you’re stuck in a sleep-induced fog that you can’t wake up from, no matter how many crystals you tuck in your pocket.
It’s incredibly frustrating.
But it’s also incredibly normal.
You’re not alone in this feeling.
As we navigate eclipse season, the entire collective is left feeling like their lives have been shaken up in one way or another.
Careers get hectic, family life gets complicated, money mindset can get harder to manage as we are challenged to grow further, time flies by, and circumstances simply change…
This is the energetic magic of eclipse season
Eclipse energy is designed to break down every part of your life that isn’t in alignment with the highest divine plan for our individual and collective mission.
This means change.
As with all change, there is an opportunity for some painful growth to occur. It’s painful to watch aspects or patterns of your life fall away but, beneath that pain, there’s an opportunity for something beautiful to occur.
Once you’ve stripped away all that isn’t true, you’re left with infinite space to create a new reality for yourself.
One that fully aligns with your desires and your mission.
So, how do you manifest that newness into your life?
By channeling the power of the change eclipse season will bring.
Here are 3 rituals to support you in creating your dream reality!
These rituals can be used during eclipse season as well as for new / full moons. Just as the eclipse holds specific energy, so does the moon in all its phases.
House clearing & cleansing as a moon ritual.
Sometimes, the best rituals are the simplest.
Look around your space right now and notice how it makes you feel.
Are there clothes thrown about your room? Are the dishes piling up? Have the windows been opened lately? Is there beauty reflected in your space? Are your plants still thriving?
If you take a look and notice that you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed by the energy of your house, it’s a pretty good sign that it’s time to do a clearing.
Start by physically cleansing your space with a deep clean.
Make the bed, do the laundry, wash the dishes, sweep the floors, wipe the counters… do all of the things that you’ve been putting off for the last 3 weeks.
Once your house is physically clean, it’s time to energetically cleanse using carefully placed crystals, incense, palo santo, or sage.
Make sure to get every corner and feel free to set an intention as you walk through each room. Your voice alone has the power to shift frequencies. So, don’t be afraid to speak to any low vibrational energy that’s hanging out around you!
A moon ritual bath.
Ritual baths are a ceremonial way to symbolize spiritual clearing, healing, and releasing. The idea has been around for ages but has recently been reclaimed as a way to bring magic into the mundane. It’s perfect for a New or Full Moon!
A ritual bath usually involves filling a tub with Epsom salt or sea salt, flower petals, healing herbs, crystals, essential oils, and anything else that feels symbolic of the magic you’re wanting to create.
Light a candle, put on some music, ease into the water, and relax as the ritual does its thing!
Charge your crystals in the moonlight.
Crystals are a beautiful way to anchor in full or new moon energy! Your crystals already hold powerful magic & meaning but, when they’re placed in direct moonlight, their frequency is amplified. They become “charged”, meaning they’re more potent and more effective than they were before.
You can also use lunar energy to program your crystals– AKA infusing them with a specific intention or purpose. All you have to do is hold the crystal in your hand, set in intention for the energy you want it to hold, visualize that energy flowing through the stone, and then place it on a windowsill to be charged. It’s that simple!
P.S This works best with clear crystals like clear quartz, selenite, or celestine (which are neutral stones designed to absorb and reflect energy) but can be done with any stone.
Looking for more information or support on your path to healing?
The Awakening Woman Empowerment Course is available for women who are ready to transcend feminine wounds, own their power, and awaken their intuitive gifts in an embodied way.
Over 37 lessons, I uncover everything you need to know about becoming the woman you were designed to be.
If you’re feeling called for a more personal 1:1 approach, I encourage you to check out 1:1 total transformation coaching.
Keep going.
xo, Steph

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