Seeing angel numbers left and right? Waking up in the middle of the night? Suddenly picking up on and becoming more conscious of the energy of everyone around you? Noticing your mood swings with the phases of the moon? Feeling a little crazy?
Chances are, you’re not going crazy.
You’re most likely just experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Now, you have every right to be a bit skeptical of this whole “spiritual awakening” thing. A part of you is convinced that this is just another woo woo fad that will die out when the next trend comes along.
But there’s another part of you that knows you’re experiencing something real.
That’s why you’re here.
You’re here because you’re at a pivotal point in your spiritual journey and spiritual awakening.
Your beliefs are changing, your desires are shifting, your gifts are awakening, signs are manifesting, your dreams are vivid, and you’re seeing the world through a fresh perspective.
Your left asking…
What does it mean to go through a spiritual awakening?
Before I can give you that answer, I have to start with what a spiritual awakening actually looks like. Because, unfortunately, it’s not all pretty crystals and aesthetic card pulls.
Phase one, the stage you’re experiencing right now, begins with a “wake up call” to guide you in your discovery.
This wakeup call can happen externally — through a catalyst, tragic event, sudden change in circumstances, or big transition.
Or it can happen internally — through restless thoughts, lack of satisfaction, or personal discovery.
Either way, the wake up call exists to make you question your reality (and sometimes your sanity)
You start to ask yourself the questions that other people are too afraid to ask:
“What happens after death?”
“What did I come here to do?”
“Is there are spiritual world?”
“Why do I feel so intensely?”
“What if this is an illusion?”
“What if there is more?”
“Have I been true to myself?”
The rest of your spiritual awakening becomes a journey towards uncovering the answer to these questions.
If you’ve landed here and you’re searching for answers, there’s a good chance that you’re right in the middle of phase one. You’re here because you’ve realized there’s more to life than you previously thought. You’re on the brink of unveiling the spiritual reality that you’ve been programmed to forget.
But why?
Why now?
The reason you’re experiencing your awakening right now is because you planned too and the world desperately needs you to follow your heart, be true to yourself and stand in your light.
There is a mass awakening happening right now on this planet for everyone and if you are feeling it, it’s because now, more than ever, the Earth is craving for all of us to heal, raise the vibration of the planet and align with love. She’s asking us all to remember — who we truly are and what we came here to do.
In short, you’re being asked to live from your heart, honor what it knows to be true and surrender to its infinite wisdom.
So, no, you’re not going crazy-- you’re just being called to help change the world.
No big deal! 😉
If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed during your spiritual awakening, I got you! Here you will find an abundance of resources to keep you grounded and sane during your initiation and ascension process. If you are looking to connect with spirit, for a mindset shift and level up or feeling as though its time do some serious healing, it’s not an accident you landed here. Trust in the synchronicity happening all around you.
Sending you loads of love and light as you embark on your spiritual journey,
Xo, steph

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