Allow yourself the opportunity to unlearn everything you thought you knew...


Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Awakeing by Divine Soul Journey

ascension symptoms

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We are deep into some serious energy shifts and I know so many of you are feeling this!! Continue to hang on and lean in to everything you are feeling right now. The Lionsgate & Super Full Moon energies are coming in to show us exactly what we need to be shown in order to align with […]


Lionsgate 8:8 Portal = Heart Activations & Infinite Possibilities

We are preparing for the 8:8 lionsgate portal which will be occurring on 8/8/22 as well as another super full moon happening in the sign of Aquarius on 8/11/22. I know many of you are already feeling these two energy shifts and it’s causing a massive stir within as more heart healing is taking place, […]

are you feeling called?


Spirit has your back. Trust in the signs and synchronicity happening all around you. Let go of any doubt or worry and trust that you have a spiritual team encouraging you to choose you and EVOLVE, always…