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Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Awakeing by Divine Soul Journey

Signs of a twin flame

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Below you will find 5 signs of a twin flame.  The twin flame relationship is about more than hearts, flowers and fairy tale romance. This connection is a soul awakening designed to bring you deeper into yourself. It’s cosmic, it’s healing, it’s transformative – but it can also be quite painful. This soul connection can […]



What is the twin flame connection meaning? It’s an awakening.

A PATH TO SELF MASTERY, SOUL AWAKENING AND BRINGING LOVE OUT TO THE COMMUNITY If you are on the twin flame connection journey, you already know that this journey is far from easy and at times can be down right confusing. The signs and the synchronicity’s that first happen during your awakening are about enough […]

are you feeling called?


Spirit has your back. Trust in the signs and synchronicity happening all around you. Let go of any doubt or worry and trust that you have a spiritual team encouraging you to choose you and EVOLVE, always…