On 8/24/22 we are entering Uranus Retrograde. Uranus will be in retrograde through 1/23/23.
This energy shift is going to be a serious push to tear down the old so we can make way for the new. Any old structures, ways of thinking and being that we have been holding onto, Uranus retrograde will come through and challenge us to let go of so we can align with the abundance that is waiting for us.
This shift will affect careers, relationships, home life, life purpose and all the things. At this point in 2022, we have learned a lot and we know what need to shift, change or be let go of. Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter Retrograde has been assisting us with this so far. Trust the clarity you have been receiving.

Uranus Retrograde
8/24/22 thru 1/23/23
It's important to know that Uranus's energy can almost come in like a wrecking ball so to speak and can at times literally feel like divine intervention is occurring in our lives as we realize change is here and asking us to participate. Flow, trust and allow yourself to simply keep your heart as open as possible. 2023 will require an upgraded version of ourselves as we align with what is meant for us.
I know many of us hear the word retrograde and at times we may cringe... However, these shifts are all VERY GOOD! When we learn to flow with the shifts and let go of control, we align with fun little miracles along the way that show us why it is all happening for us.
New Moon in Virgo
Just a few days later, The New Moon in Virgo on 8/27/22 is here to encourage us to take the practical steps needed to co-create the new experience we have been guided towards in 2022. Where there is a new moon in Virgo, SUCCESS is headed our way when we do the work.
Virgo energy is all about the details. We're talking serious "let's take the steps to get it done folks". So, wherever you are being called to EVOLVE. It's time. This new moon is going to be offering us downloads and encouraging future thinking as we work on our root chakras and lay solid foundations for ourselves.
Trust the process and keep honoring your heart. It's never wrong. It knows exactly what you need to align with your biggest baddest highest self.
Don't forget to set those intentions this week, it's time to manifest the hell out of some newness!!!
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