We just wrapped up the 2022 Sedona Arizona women's retreat and it was such an incredible event! The group of soul sisters who showed up for this retreat was like no other and I am so honored I got to be a witness to so many transformations over the course of this 3 day consciousness expansion event.
Sedona holds such an incredible level up energy for anyone who visits and it was so fun to watch women from all over join together in this space and connect as if they have known each other for lifetimes ( of course, they most likely do ) while remembering who they are at a soul level.
There is something very special that happens when a group of souls show up for themselves, commit to their healing and consciousness expansion...while holding space for others as they do the same.
Sedona was such a special retreat because we had sensitives who are awakening from all over join us as they learned how to tap into their own natural intuitive gifts, harness and maintain their own energy, learn the language of spirit and so much more.
This Sedona Arizona Retreat is different for a reason...
As a fellow intuitive empath who knows what it is like to feel so different and out of place in a world that makes no sense at times, it was such an incredible experience for me to have the honor of teaching these beautiful souls how to own their uniqueness and trust the journey they are on as they move through another layer of awakening.
If you have ever worked with or seen me speak, you know I remind everyone who I come across that there is not a single soul on this planet who is not psychic and the more we trust in love and heal what needs to be healed, we are able to tap in and tune in more effortlessly. That couldn't have been more obvious at this retreat. The pattern breaking I witnessed these women accomplish and the willingness to open their hearts over the course of 3 days is something I will never forget and will always treasure. So.... from my heart to yours a BIG...
Thank you for all who attended...
You should be proud of yourselves. Keep listening, keep growing and no matter what, always trust in who you are.
PS. For those of you wanting to align and sign up for the next retreat, sign up for updates and a free meditation or use the contact form.
stephanie <3

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