Allow yourself the opportunity to unlearn everything you thought you knew...


Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Awakeing by Divine Soul Journey

ascension symptoms

Most Recent

We are deep into some serious energy shifts and I know so many of you are feeling this!! Continue to hang on and lean in to everything you are feeling right now. The Lionsgate & Super Full Moon energies are coming in to show us exactly what we need to be shown in order to align with […]


Lionsgate 8:8 Portal = Heart Activations & Infinite Possibilities

We are preparing for the 8:8 lionsgate portal which will be occurring on 8/8/22 as well as another super full moon happening in the sign of Aquarius on 8/11/22. I know many of you are already feeling these two energy shifts and it’s causing a massive stir within as more heart healing is taking place, […]

lionsgate 88 portal


3 Moon Rituals to Help You Reset & Reconnect

If you’re like 99.9% of the empaths and healers that I’ve talked to, at some point you’ve experienced a season of burnout. You may feel disconnected from your mission. Your intuition may feel distant and unreachable. Your desires aren’t manifesting as quickly as they used to, & You’re not feeling as inspired as you used […]


Wounded Feminine Energy | How to Begin to Heal Wounded Feminine Energy

What do overwhelm, fatigue, people-pleasing, perfectionism, irritation, and the need for control all have in common? They’re all core indicators of wounded feminine energy. Now, before you hear this and assume that there’s something “wrong” with you, I want you to know that you’re not alone.   All of us are carrying some layer of […]

Spiritual Awakening meaning displayed as female hands over water


Spiritual Awakening Meaning | What is it and how does it relate to your spiritual journey

Seeing angel numbers left and right? Waking up in the middle of the night? Suddenly picking up on and becoming more conscious of the energy of everyone around you? Noticing your mood swings with the phases of the moon? Feeling a little crazy? Chances are, you’re not going crazy. You’re most likely just experiencing a […]

Spiritual Awakening with manifestation journaling


Are you experiencing a spiritual awakening?

Hello everyone! I just wanted to share with you some of the signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening. I still feel like I am being enlightened to many many things, however I wanted to share with you some of the information I wished I would have had when I started experiencing the “symptoms” that […]

are you feeling called?


Spirit has your back. Trust in the signs and synchronicity happening all around you. Let go of any doubt or worry and trust that you have a spiritual team encouraging you to choose you and EVOLVE, always…